I am an air carrier

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Transmission of the passengers’ data

Air carriers have the obligation to transfer passengers’ reservation data (PNR data) to the ANDV at least 48 hours before the flight’s take-off and on the day of departure. The same applies to the passengers’ check-in and boarding data (API data), which must be transmitted at the closing of doors.

This applies to all flights arriving or leaving French territory, including overseas France, no matter the nationality of the company or of the passengers.

Air carriers must transmit the data by automatic means. They retain legal responsibility, even if data management is outsourced.

Passengers’ information

Air carriers also have the obligation to inform passengers whose data are processed in the API-PNR system. They are asked to mention the following information in the electronic media, interfaces and forms used by their passengers:

“Pursuant to Article L.232-7 of the Internal Security Code, we inform you that air carriers are required to transmit their passengers’ reservation, check-in and boarding data (PNR/ API) to the French administration, according to the processing procedures and the purposes provided by Decree N°2014-1095 of the 26th September 2014, modified by Decree N°2018-714 of the 3rd August 2018“.

The ANDV regularly checks that air carriers comply with this obligation.

As a reminder, in accordance with Article L232-5 of the Internal Security Code, failure to comply with these obligations by an air, sea or rail transport company is punishable by a fine up to 50,000 euros for each journey.

I want to be certified

In order to be connected to the production environment of the API-PNR France system, approved by the system, and to be able to transfer reservation, check-in and boarding data to the system through defined protocols, air carriers are subject to a prerequisite certification procedure.

This procedure is divided into three parts:

Explanatory diagram for obtaining certification as a carrier.
  1. Phase 1:

    Mobilisation and notification phase

    This phase aims to mobilise all actors that will have to intervene during the certification process, to establish an inventory of all the different air routes that fall within the scope of the directive and to ensure the technical choices for data transmission. This work is carried out jointly by the air carrier, its suppliers, and the French administration or its representatives. At the end of this phase, the director of the ANDV sends a notification of entry into certification to the concerned air carrier. This notification takes the form of an official letter of information and involvement into the certification process.

  2. Phase 2:

    Certification phase

    The objective of this phase is to ensure the capacity of an air carrier, or its technical service provider in charge of the data transmission, to connect, authenticate and transmit the required elements to the API-PNR France system certification environment, in accordance with the different secure data transmission protocols used.

    The quality of the data and of the messages received is checked for each route and stopover covered by the company and declared to the ANDV.

  3. Phase 3:

    Official notification of deployment

    The official notification of deployment for the connection of an air carrier to the API-PNR France system is made through a letter signed by the director of the ANDV, once the various certification tests have been validated by the administration or its representatives. The letter includes the following:

    • The date of deployment decided jointly by the air carrier, its technical service providers and the ANDV;

    • The list of concerned routes;

    • A reminder of the obligation to inform passengers of the processing of their data;

    • The need to inform the ANDV if any route is opened or closed by the air carrier, as well as if the data supplier is subjected to any change.

    Attached to this document are files that define the precise scope of deployment.

    The official notification of deployment also marks the beginning of the company’s legal obligations to the French administration, hence the possibility for the ANDV to conduct any infringement proceedings against them, if required.

    Indeed, Articles L.232-5, L.232-7, R.232-1-1 and R.232-5-1 of the Internal Security Code provide that a fine of 50,000 euros is incurred by the air carrier for each flight for which the API and PNR data have been partially sent, or not at all.

Would you like to be connected to the API-PNR France system?

This guide aims to provide airlines and their data transmission providers the necessary information to comply with the French legal framework.

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