
Conformity declaration – RGAA 4.0

An audit of the will be carried out soon. Corrections will be made if necessary.

Right to compensation

Pending full compliance, you can obtain an accessible version of the documents published on or of the contained information by sending an email to [email address to be defined], indicating the name of the concerned document and/or the information that you would like to obtain. The requested information will be sent to you as soon as possible.

Improvement and contact

You can help us improving the accessibility of the website by reporting the potential issues that you encounter. To do so, please send us an email [email address to be defined].

Défenseur des droits (Rights defender)

If you notice a lack of accessibility that could prevent you from accessing the website’s content or a functionality, and you have warned us about it and you do not manage to obtain a quick answer from us, you have the right to address your grievance or request for referral:

  • By post, free of charge, without postage to: Défenseur des droits – Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07
  • Online :

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